Early Childhood Education Links

Early childhood education is one of the most important parts of the overall education of an individual. In early childhood you set the stage for lifelong learning. In the early childhood age range, 80-90% of brain growth is completed and learning occurs everyday. It is incredibly important during this time to provide the young child with a kind and responsive caregiver, a stimulating learning environment, adequate health and nutrition, toys and experiences that lead to early learning. During this time it is also imperative that the young child is spoken to and read to often (this includes infants!). For the preschool child preparing them for school includes not only teaching academic skills such as abc's, 123's and writing their name but also social skills such as waiting patiently, taking turns and remaining quiet and focused for a set period of time. Also, during this time play is healthy, important and vital to the child's learning and overall development. Here you will find some links that will provide some important information on these topics and more.

National Association for the education of the Young Child (NAEYC): www.naeyc.org

Zero to Three (National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families): www.zerotothree.org

Alliance for Childhood: www.allianceforchildhood.org

Ready Rosie!: www.readyrosie.com

Scholastic: www.scholastic.com/parents

PreK for PA: www.prekforpa.org

PBS for Parents: http://www.pbs.org/parents/


This infographic also explains the importance of investing education funds in early childhood: